Sunday, October 21, 2012

How to Get Rid of Yellow Jackets

How to Get Rid of Yellow Jackets

Yellow jacket (or yellow-jacket) is the usual name in North America for predatory wasps of the genus Vespula and Dolichovespula. Members of these species are better-known simply as "wasps" in other English-speaking countries. Most of them are black and yellow; some are black and white (such as the bald-faced hornet, Dolichovespula maculata), while others may have the abdomen background color red instead of black.

How to Get Rid of Yellow Jackets

How to Get Rid of Yellow Jackets

How to Get Rid of Yellow Jackets

How to Get Rid of Yellow Jackets

How to Get Rid of Yellow Jackets

They can be identified by their characteristic markings, small size (similar to the size of a honey bee). They exist in colonies and have a characteristic rapid side-to-side flight pattern prior to landing. Yellow-jackets are often mistakenly called "bees." All their females are capable of stinging. Yellow jackets are important predators of pest insects, though they can be pests themselves as well.

II. Yellow Jackets as Pests

Eliminating yellow jackets can be time-consuming and excruciating. Yellow jacket (of the Vespula genus) are possibly the only wasp that can be considered pestiferous if you take its belligerent colony size and defensive nature into account.

This aggression on the part of the yellow jacket genus is most evident towards the end of the summer when the colony starts to crumble and workers find more sugars and sweets to nourish themselves and what's left of their young. Not only does the yellow jacket wasp's demeanor change toward the end of the warm season, but the size of a colony can also be imposingly astronomical if left unobstructed.

For the most part, wasps are predators and rarely scavengers, and this, by and large, applies to yellow jackets as well, but there are particular species within the Vespula genus that tend to salvage more aggressively than others.

Vespula Vulgaris, for example, is one of these scavenging species, and because of their scavenging behavior, they tend to come into contact with humans on a more regular basis than wasps that hunt live prey.

III. Basic Yellow Jacket Control

* Sometimes getting rid of yellow jackets or reducing yellow jacket populations is as easy as keeping your garbage cans properly sealed. Your garbage bins are a windfall not only for stray dogs, stray cats, and the occasional raccoon, but also for yellow jacket wasps, which will feed on the leftover proteins and sugars you tend to throw out with the trash.

Scraps of meat and fish are particularly pleasing to a yellow jacket's appetite, as well as old bottles of pop, bottles of syrup, and fruit.

* One way to get rid of yellow jackets is to keep pet food and other sources of refined proteins indoors. Yellow jackets, like other wasps, really do enjoy protein, and nothing is packed with more accessible proteins than pet food floating around in a water dish.

Keep your dog or cat's food bowl inside during the warmer months, or find a way to protect the pet food from foraging pests like yellow jackets and other scavenging wasps.

* Pop cans, humming bird feeders, and other sweets should not be left out, or should be sealed in such a way as to prevent yellow jackets from gaining access to the sugar. Studies done on yellow jackets show that populations with access to large amounts of refined sugars build incredibly large colonies much faster than colonies whose access to food is restricted to their natural diet of nectar and live prey.

* Make sure awnings and siding is properly sealed to get rid of yellow jackets. Preventing yellow jackets from gaining entrance to the voids in the siding and roofing of your home is highly recommended because hidden wasp nests are particularly difficult to get rid of and may require the services of a pest control professional.

If you can't stand having wasps living behind your walls, having a professional remove them for you is going to be like having a root canal on your wallet. If you're patient, cold weather will eventually kill the colony, and then you can seal the entrance without driving wasps into your home.

* Mechanical, non-toxic traps are a good way to get rid of yellow jackets - or at least reduce the local population to a less noticeable level. There are a couple of theories surrounding the right timing of yellow jacket and wasp traps, but most experts agree that traps should be put out during the earlier months of the warm season.

If traps are set before yellow jacket queens begin their search for proper nesting grounds, it's possible to spare your community one more yellow jacket colony by killing that one queen. Otherwise, traps set during the first few weeks of summer should keep yellow jacket populations at a manageable level during the peak season.

IV. Natural and Organic Yellow Jacket Control

The do-it-yourself wasp trap is perhaps one of the most effective traps your money doesn't need to buy. All you'll need is an empty 2-liter bottle, scissors, and some sugar water or fruit juice.

* Cut the cone off about 1/3 of the way down from the top of the bottle, flip it over, and staple it into place so that it looks like a minnow trap. Then, fill the bottle with fruit juice concentrate or sugar water with a little soap, and hang it from an awning or in your garden if you prefer.

* Pouring boiling water or just soapy water into the entrance of a yellow jacket nest is one way of killing yellow jackets and rendering their nest uninhabitable. Of course, this particular tactic should be done during the late evening, and measures should be taken to cover the skin in case the colony is feeling particularly bloodthirsty that evening.

*If you're going to use soap water, why not do it with some organic dish soap like the kind Seventh Generation makes? Sure, you'll still be the Tamerlane of the wasp world, but at least you'll be remembered as the environmentally-friendly murderer of wasps.

How to Get Rid of Yellow Jackets

Monday, September 17, 2012

How to Become a Street Food Vendor - Best 3 Tips

How to Become a Street Food Vendor - Best 3 Tips

Are you curious about how to become a street Food vendor? Well, I'll tell you, it is actually pretty simple as messy and complicated as it may sound. The idea that you have to get licenses, clean up after you're done working, push your Food cart around, buy the Food products and store them, make them, etc.

How to Become a Street Food Vendor - Best 3 Tips

How to Become a Street Food Vendor - Best 3 Tips

How to Become a Street Food Vendor - Best 3 Tips

How to Become a Street Food Vendor - Best 3 Tips

How to Become a Street Food Vendor - Best 3 Tips

Well, it sounds tedious doesn't it? But if you count all the benefits you get from the freedom and high income potential, being a street Food vendor sounds like a pretty good deal. Get the right licenses, buy the right food, and you can sell food anywhere within the city limits, for however long daily and however often you want.

Here are 3 simple steps needed to be followed in order to become a street food vendor:

Step 1

Visit or call the city local council to find out what permits and licenses are necessary to set up a street vendor shop. This varies within different states as some do not require a vendor's license and others do.

Step 2

Visit or call the local health departMent to register for a health license for your street vendor stand. This should take a couple of weeks to process and will subject your cart to regular check-ups made by the health departMent in order to monitor the quality and cleanliness of both your street vendor store and food.

Step 3

Carry out some research before buying your street vendor cart. Would you wish for it to have a refrigerator to store drinks in and possibly even the uncooked food you wish to fry on the spot? Would you want a bun warmer to make your food hot? Or even possibly a small microwave to heat things up? Scout around the neighborhood and observe other street vendor carts to see what your competition is like. Used carts are often much cheaper and look only a little worse than brand-new carts.

This should give you a good idea of what is the necessary beginning steps on becoming a street food vendor.

How to Become a Street Food Vendor - Best 3 Tips

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

How to Start a Hot Dog Stand - 4 Tips For Beginners

How to Start a Hot Dog Stand - 4 Tips For Beginners

I'm here to give you a simple step by step guide on how to start a hot dog stand. It is relatively painless to set up any sort of Food vending cart; however, several requireMents must be met before you can legally push your hot dog cart out into the general public and open up for business.

How to Start a Hot Dog Stand - 4 Tips For Beginners

How to Start a Hot Dog Stand - 4 Tips For Beginners

How to Start a Hot Dog Stand - 4 Tips For Beginners

How to Start a Hot Dog Stand - 4 Tips For Beginners

How to Start a Hot Dog Stand - 4 Tips For Beginners

The requireMents to first start out are as follows:

Vendor licence - you may be required to have a vendor licence within the area you are situated in. To be sure of this, the best way is to call your local council or local information centre and ask if it is necessary to have a vendor licence to sell Food products to the general public. Health licence - you will need a health licence and comply with Food preparation requireMents, too. You can easily get this license by filling out forms in the health licence bureau which then subjects you to regular health departMent check-ups on the quality and cleanliness of your stand. Followed by that, you will also require the necessary equipment to become a successful vendor:

The perfect hot dog stand - you have to do some research and spying around before buying a stand or cart. Look at other hot dog vendors and what their stands look like, as well as their functions, features, styles, and size. Does it have a refrigerator? Does it have a bun warmer? Using this information, you then will decide on which type is best for you to beat the competition. Buy products in bulk - when buying your Food products buy them in bulk as this often leads to great discounts and a great money saving opportunity. You have to however be careful of how much you buy as you don't want these products to go bad before you have a chance to sell them.

How to Start a Hot Dog Stand - 4 Tips For Beginners

Friday, July 13, 2012

Open a Hot Dog Stand-My Top 6 Tips to Make Money Selling Hot Dogs

Open a Hot Dog Stand-My Top 6 Tips to Make Money Selling Hot Dogs

It isn't difficult to open a hot dog stand. The only thing you will require, if you are going to run the stand for a long period of time, is a vendor license and a health license, a stand or cart, and the Food products, which will cost you some money. Now, it isn't difficult to earn back the money invested in all these start-up requireMents the minute you open for business.

Open a Hot Dog Stand-My Top 6 Tips to Make Money Selling Hot Dogs

Open a Hot Dog Stand-My Top 6 Tips to Make Money Selling Hot Dogs

Open a Hot Dog Stand-My Top 6 Tips to Make Money Selling Hot Dogs

Open a Hot Dog Stand-My Top 6 Tips to Make Money Selling Hot Dogs

Open a Hot Dog Stand-My Top 6 Tips to Make Money Selling Hot Dogs

Most hot dog sellers truly enjoy their Job, mainly because they are their own boss and on top of that, their profit ranges from several hundred Dollars a day to close to $ 1000. Yes, one day a hot dog seller can earn as much as an executive does, without any of the stress and responsibilities of an employee working for "the man."

Open a Hot Dog Stand-My Top 6 Tips to Make Money Selling Hot Dogs

Saturday, June 9, 2012

How to Become a Hot Dog Vendor

How to Become a Hot Dog Vendor

How do you become a hot dog vendor? If you're sick of your Job, this question may have pooped into your head a few times. You probably think that I am out of my mind for suggesting Food vending as a long-term career option, but the potential earnings of a successful vendor could be up to $ 1000 U.S. Dollars a day! Yes, that is to day worth of profits.

How to Become a Hot Dog Vendor

How to Become a Hot Dog Vendor

How to Become a Hot Dog Vendor

How to Become a Hot Dog Vendor

How to Become a Hot Dog Vendor

The reason behind this is on an average year in America, up to 18 billion hot dogs are consumed, which means approximately 15 million being eaten in a day! Now imagine the good vendors could make profit out of that sum!

It is not difficult to become a hot dog vendor at all. Here's what you will need.

How to Become a Hot Dog Vendor

Saturday, April 14, 2012

How To Develop Your Critical Thinking Skills

How To Develop Your Critical Thinking Skills

What are critical thinking skills? They are the habits of thought that you cultivate for better decisions on what to believe and what to do. Critical thought is not about being able to argue well. That kind of thinking can be a trap. Unfortunately, some very intelligent people think that way, seeking only to justify the beliefs they already have. That is very limited thinking.

How To Develop Your Critical Thinking Skills

How To Develop Your Critical Thinking Skills

How To Develop Your Critical Thinking Skills

How To Develop Your Critical Thinking Skills

How To Develop Your Critical Thinking Skills

Ask psychologists, philosophers, and brain scientists what critical thinking is, and you'll get many definitions. However, all of them seem to agree that it includes challenging and analyzing our own motivations, thought processes and conclusions. Here is a basic definition:

"Reasonable and reflective thinking focused on deciding what to believe and/or how to act."

Reasonable shouldn't beconfused with logical, since many of the most unreasonable ideas result logically from a chosen set of premises and assumptions. A set of premises which include a flat Earth, for example, can lead to the perfectly logical conclusion that a boat will fall off the edge of the planet if it goes too close. Logic is a systematic way to derive conclusions from premises, but the premises themselves may be right or wrong.

Being reasonable then, means allowing for the possibility that reality may not match our premises. Being reasonable means observing, gathering evidence, and using inductive reasoning (all dogs have four legs "I see, so dogs must normally have four legs). On the other hand, logic is limited to deductive reasoning, and one bad premise can taint all deductionsthat come from it. It is reasonable, therefore, to challenge not just our logic, but the premises it is based on.

To be reflective, is to ask questions like, "How could I be wrong here? What assumptions I am making and are they correct? Are there other explanations that may be better?

Suppose on a hot humid day, you think, "Humidity makes the Air feel warmer, and it is normally more humid in Montana than in Arizona, so if the temperature is the same in both places, it will normally feel warmer in Montana." Unassailable logic, but a wrong conclusion, as I and anyone who has lived in both places in winter can tell you. Humid Air actually feels warmer when it's hot and cooler when it's cold.

To avoid errors like this, you ask if it'strue that humidity makes Air feel warmer. A hot day's experience says yes, but when you look for possible errors you note the hidden assumption that "it's true at any temperatures." You challenge that assumption, and remember that the hot feeling is partly because your sweat can't evaporate as Fast in the humid Air, so your body can't cool itself as well. Reflecting on that, you realize it wouldn't matter as much when it's cold, because you sweat less.

Cultivate Your Critical Thinking Skills

You may already have enough knowledge to correct the error, but if not, a bit of critical thought would at least point out the need to gather more information. You can see in this example the kind of mind set you need as a critical thinker. What else can you do todevelop critical thinking skills? There are specific exercises and practices for that. Here are three of them.


Make it a habit to ask for evidence. That might mean simply asking "where did you read that?" or "Was that speculation, or did they actually do a test?" Be prepared to provide evidence for your own claims as well. We don't carry our sources with us, of course, but you should be able to get a sense whether there really is some basis for a claim or belief.


Because we don't carry around with us evidence, we all accept many things said at face value, at least for the sake of discussion. Otherwise our conversations would be more like interrogations, and probably very short. However, we can consider the sources of information andevidence. We can ask if this person usually remembers the facts correctly. We can consider if the source they refer to is reliable.


What we believe, what others believe, and what evidence is considered by anyone, is in part a function of motivations. Because of this, a magazine might be enTirely biased in it's reporting, yet have all of their facts perfectly verified. Of course, you should ask yourself if there is enough of a motivation for lying outright, but this isn't as common as many people think. A more important part of you critical thinking skills is to ask why these certain facts may have been reported (what bias is likely), and what facts are being ignored or passed over.

How To Develop Your Critical Thinking Skills

Monday, March 12, 2012

Cold Weather RVing

Cold Weather RVing

There are lots of things to do and to see in the wintertime; beautiful winter scenery, Snow skiing, hunting, riding Snowmobiles and much more. It's no wonder so many people enjoy using their RV's year round. When winter approaches each year I get numerous emails requesting information about using RV's in cold temperatures. One reason I haven't written on this subject in the past is because it would require more than just a short article to thoroughly cover this topic. Another reason for not writing about this in the past is that there are no guarantees that your RV can or will be 100 percent protected from the harsh winter eleMents by following written advice on the subject.

Cold Weather RVing

Cold Weather RVing

Cold Weather RVing

Cold Weather RVing

Cold Weather RVing

What I can do is offer you some suggestions and ideas that will help to protect your RV if you planto use it during the cold winter months. I just can't guarantee that it will be 100 percent protected. These suggestions and ideas are for short term winter camping in your RV. If you plan to take extended trips in cold weather RV there are many other precautions and measures that need to be considered, like using insulated skirting around the bottom of the RV for example.

Note: What we will be concentrating on is how to protect your RV during cold weather camping. It is extremely important that you also understand how to protect yourself and other campers in cold temperatures.

One of the first considerations for cold weather RVing is if you will be traveling in temperatures below freezing. If this is the case, and there is water in the RV water system, your plumbinglines or water heater tank could freeze, resulting in costly repAir bills, not to Mention ruining your winter wonderland RV trip. To avoid this from happening the travel with the water system winterized. It is actually much easier to winterize an RV than most people think it is, and it's not very expensive either. I have winterized and winterized our RV-as many as four times in one winter. Note: Our "Winterizing & Storing Your RV" DVD will teach you how to winterize your RV, by yourself, and save money, especially if you enjoy using your RV during the winter months.

The good news is it is still possible to use the bathroom facilities when you are traveling with the RV winterized. We take one gallon jugs filled with water to use in the toilet, and if your holding tanksare not heated you can put some RV antifreeze into the holding tanks to prevent the contents from freezing. Add the RV antifreeze through the toilet for the black water holding tank and down the shower or tub drain for the gray water tank. The antifreeze will also protect the shower or tub P-trap which is usually located below floor level. The amount of antifreeze required for the holding tanks will be based on the size of the tanks, and it will be necessary to add more RV antifreeze as waste water is added to the tanks to prevent the antifreeze from being diluted.

Don't allow the holding tanks to fill completely, before emptying them, during cold weather camping. This will reduce the chance of freezing, resulting in damage to the holding tanks. Take along for drinking bottled waterand other needs like Cooking, washing up and brushing your teeth when the RV is winterized. We have a five gallon jug that we always take on trips, filled with tap water from our house, for our pet's drinking water and our other needs. This comes in handy when the RV is winterized.

When we arrive at our destination I try to select a site that will be exposed to the sun throughout the day, but also where there is some type of wind break available. Position the RV on the site so the front or rear will be facing the brunt of any wind, not the side of the RV. If there is an electrical hook-up the de-winterize the water system so we can use everything. All of the water lines in our motorhomes are above floor level, in a heated space, so we don't need to be too concerned about the watersystem freezing as long as the RV has heat. We leave the water heater turned on whenever the water heater tank is full so there is no chance of it freezing. Some water heaters operate off of LP gas and electricity. Keep in mind if it's in the electric mode it will use 9 to 13 amps.

It's important that you know where all of the plumbing on your RV is located. Some RVs have heat reflex ducts.รข€ sounds going to the baseMent storage areas where the water system is exposed to outside temperatures, but many RVs do not. If portions of the RV water system are below floor level, in areas that are not heated, it is possible for it to freeze and damage the water lines. If you are hooked up to an external water Supply one option is to leave a faucet in the RV dripping, to keep the water moving,and decrease the possibility of water lines freezing. Another option is to use heat tape to protect the exposed water lines. Heat tape can be purchased at most hardware or building Supply stores. Make sure it is suitable for the types of water lines in your RV, and if you plan to use it on a water hose.

If it is extremely cold outside and the possibility exists that the outside water Supply could freeze, or if the campground water supply is shut off for the winter, fill the fresh water holding tank our and use it for all of our water requireMents. Again, keep in mind where your fresh water tank is located; ours is above floor level in a heated area. If the campgrounds shower facilities are still open it's a good idea to use them to avoid the gray water holding tank from filling soquickly. In this situation it might be in your best interest to keep the RV winterized and just use the campgrounds.

Tip: If you haven't purchased your RV yet and you know you will be using an RV in cold weather make sure to include an artic package option when you buy it. Some packages include higher R-factor insulation, enclosed underbelly, heated holding tanks, dual pane windows and more.

Happy Camping,


Copyright 2006 by Mark j. Polk, owner of RV Education 101

Cold Weather RVing

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

How To Take Care Of Orchids

How To Take Care Of Orchids

As one of the oldest known flowers on the planet, the orchid has grown from just another prehistoric plant into one of the most loved flowers today. Whether you wish to send them as a thank you or a message of love, or grow and cultivate them yourself, these beautiful flowers can light up even the drabbest world of rooms with their multitude of colors and extravagant looks. Yet in order for them to remain at their best, you need to know the specifics of how to take care of orchids properly.

How To Take Care Of Orchids

How To Take Care Of Orchids

How To Take Care Of Orchids

How To Take Care Of Orchids

How To Take Care Of Orchids

Since there are many variations of orchids, you should check the specific care needs of yours. However, as a general rule, the following guidelines will help your orchid thrive:

There are two sets of temperature to orchids at. While you can go as low as 60 degrees F at night, you shouldkeep this between 75-85 degrees F in daylight hours.Although orchids enjoy sunlight, try keeping them shaded during the warmer parts of the day, between 11.00 am and 3.00 pm.Water is not as important a factor in how to take care of orchids as it might be with other flowers or plants. Unlike many other plants, orchids grow as if they were on top of trees, so very little water is required.You only need to worry about re-potting an orchid roughly every two or three years. Unless they outgrow their pots or the mixture it's planted in becomes damaged; then you will need to re-pot before this.When it comes to feeding an orchid, they are very low maintenance. Since they thrive on sunlight and a minimum of water, you only need to add to this once a month with alternative products. A goodsource of nourishMent is any kind of fertilizer that is high in nitrogen. The good thing with orchids is that they can be fed all year round, unlike many other plants.Maintaining the plant is extremely easy. When the very last flower has gone, simply cut down the stem of the flower, and then seal the cut with either melted candle wax or a slight amount of powdered cinnamon. Keep looking after the plant until you can see if it's going to bloom again.

As you can see, it's not difficult to learn how to care for orchids properly, even if you're a beginner to gardening or plants in general. With just a little maintenance, these wonderful plants can cover any garden or plant the area with their vibrant color, and give you hours of relaxation as you look out at them.

How To Take Care Of Orchids

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Seven Personal Characteristics Of A Good Leader

Seven Personal Characteristics Of A Good Leader

How often have you heard the comMent, "He or she is a born leader?" There are certain characteristics found in some people that seem to naturally put them in a position where they're looked up to as a leader.

Whether in fact a person is born a leader or develops skills and abilities to become a leader is open for debate. There are some clear characteristics that are found in good leaders. These qualities can be developed or may be naturally part of their personality. Let us explore them further.


1. A good leader has an exemplary character. It is of utmost importance that a leader is trustworthy to lead others. A leader needs to be trusted and be known to live their life with honestly and integrity. A good leader "walks the talk" and in doing so earns the right to have responsibility for others. True authority is born from respect for the good character and trustworthiness of the person who leads.

2. A good leader is enthusiastic about their work or cause and also about their role as leader. People will respond more openly to a person of passion and dedication. Leaders need to be able to be a source of inspiration, and be a motivator towards the required action or cause. Although the responsibilities and roles of a leader may be different, the leader needs to be seen to be part of the team working towards the goal. This kind of leader will not be afraid to roll up their sleeves and get dirty.

3. A good leader is confident. In order to lead and set direction a leader needs to appear confident as a person and in the leadership role. Such a person inspires confidence in others and draws out the trust and best efforts of the team to complete the task well. A leader who conveys confidence towards the proposed objective inspires the best effort from team members.

4. A leader also needs to function in an orderly and purposeful manner in situations of uncertainty. People look to the leader during times of uncertainty and unfamiliarity and find reassurance and security when the leader portrays confidence and a positive demeanor.

5. Good leaders are tolerant of ambiguity and remain calm, composed and steadFast to the main purpose. Storms, emotions, and crises come and go and a good leader takes these as part of the journey and keeps a cool head.

6. A good leader, as well as keeping the main goal in focus, is able to think analytically. Not only does a good leader view a situation as a whole, but is able to break it down into sub parts for closer inspection. While keeping the goal in view, a good leader can break it down into manageable steps and make progress towards it.

7. A good leader is committed to excellence. Second best does not lead to success. The good leader not only maintains high standards, but also is proactive in raising the bar in order to achieve excellence in all areas.

These seven personal characteristics are foundational to good leadership. Some characteristics may be more naturally present in the personality of a leader. However, each of these characteristics can also be developed and strengthened. A good leader whether they naturally possess these qualities or not, will be diligent to consistently develop and strengthen them in their leadership role.

Seven Personal Characteristics Of A Good Leader

Seven Personal Characteristics Of A Good Leader

Seven Personal Characteristics Of A Good Leader